The Facts speak for themselves

Did you know that CT is trying to remove the religious exemption?

Did you know that removing the religious exemption means you will no longer have the right to choose what vaccines to give your children?

Did you know that removing the religious exemption removes your right to practice your religious beliefs free of discrimination?

Did you know that NY removed the religious exemption and then immediately started pushing legislation to mandate the HPV (Gardasil) vaccine?

Did you know that the flu vaccine in pregnancy has been linked to miscarriage?

Did you know that pregnant women were once discouraged from all vaccinations and pharmaceuticals yet today vaccination during pregnancy is highly encouraged?

Did you know that vaccination does not guarantee immunity (you can still contract the illness)?

Did you know that 54% of U.S. children have a chronic illness?

Did you know that since 1986 pharmaceutical companies are not liable if your child is injured or dies from a vaccine?

Did you know that some vaccines were only tested for 4-5 days?

Did you know that physicians are NOT required to report ALL adverse reactions to vaccines (some are only “strongly encouraged to be reported”)?

Did you know that only 1-10% of vaccine injuries are ever reported?

Did you know that in the 1980s, the autism rate was about 1 in 10,000 and today that number is 1 in 59?

Did you know that African American boys are 25% more likely to develop Autism?

Did you know that some vaccines contain pork and/or other animal DNA?

Did you know that the Hepatitis B vaccine (which is contracted through sex and IV drug use) is given on day one of life?

Did you know that in 1983, there were 24 recommended doses and in 2019 there are 69 recommended[MOU1] doses (plus those now given during pregnancy)?

Did you know that there are currently over 58,000 injuries and over 400 deaths associated with the HPV vaccine?

Did you know that some vaccines contain aborted fetal cells?

Did you know that Merck is in court for fraud over Gardasil (HPV vaccine)?

Did you know that your doctor is supposed to discuss vaccination risk with you?

Did you know that seizures can be triggered by vaccinations?

Did you know vaccines contain formaldehyde?

Did you know that measles related deaths exponentially declined BEFORE the vaccine ever came out?

Ready to take action?